The Majority Of The Left Is Astonishingly Deficient


The left is possibly the most incredibly selfish and misinformed group of individuals that I have ever encountered. During the 2012 elections, I had multiple discussions with some Liberal peers about their reasons for voting for Barack Obama over Mitt Romney. Now while some of them were honest and said ‘I’m not going to be voting because they both suck’ or ‘I really don’t pay attention so I won’t be voting’ (I believe that not voting is voting) I also ran into some individuals that said their reasoning for voting for Barack Obama was because he is for ‘gay marriage’ and has ‘got this country out of a deep economic hole’.

First off, yes the President has said that in a way he is for marriage equality but he as President will never make it legal and will never make a push for it. I believe that Obama only said he was for gay marriage so he could appeal to the stupid and misinformed because the stupid and misinformed will say ‘Oh! Obama is for gay marriage! That is awesome! I am totally voting for him regardless of the fact that we’re in deep debt and still have bad unemployment numbers!’.

Obama used social issues as a front to hide the fact that his economy still sucked and that his incredibly wasteful stimulus package of 2009 did absolutely nothing to help this economy.

I got into multiple debates about the 2012 election with some friends and acquaintances and most of those debates were very civilized, however there was one that really irked me. It was a very deep debate with a fellow gay right before the election. While I made my points he would try to defend himself by saying things like ‘how could you vote for Romney? He isn’t for you to have equal rights!’. This dumb ass didn’t even know that Obama said that it was up to the states to legalize gay marriage.

So not only did this incompetent jerk not know that Obama openly said that it was up to each state to legalize gay marriage, he didn’t even understand that Obama passing any sort of Amendment to the Constitution to legalize gay marriage is virtually impossible due to the checks and balances system of the United States.

One of my main arguments for voting for Romney during the election was that my right to marry whomever I want isn’t nearly as important as getting millions of people back to work and whenever I brought up to him, he would immediately deflect my facts with offensive remarks, calling me names and saying that I was ‘a selfish gay’.

Are you kidding me!? I am selfish because I voted for a man who has a background in growing businesses versus a President who contributed $5 trillion in debt over just four years with absolutely no solid results? I was clearly the selfish one.

After that debacle, I realized that debating with the stupid and misinformed wasn’t even worth it anymore because I would get just so frustrated; even now writing about this incident all these months later still gets my blood boiling!

Now unfortunately I believe that this mindset of ‘Barack Obama has the power to legalize gay marriage and that is all I care about’ is exactly the mindset of the overwhelming majority of the gay population and frankly lots of the youth of this country because this is the kind of conversation I had with multiple people around the same age as me (I am 20) during the election.

Every time I put out facts about the poor Obama economy, the left would try their best to disregard the facts and make poor excuses for the President or just begin calling me names. That is what the majority of the left does all the time.

I really do believe that those who associate themselves with the far left are very misguided and incredibly misinformed.

Ted Cruz Does Not Trust Republicans And Neither Should You


The dispute between senior Senator John McCain and Senator Ted Cruz over how “business” gets done in Washington is an indication that Ted Cruz is not an establishment D.C. Congressman and that is why I believe he will soon start to get major national exposure which help his possible bid to claim the White House in 2016.

Watch this to see how Cruz distances himself from the establishment in Washington –

I don’t remember the last time I heard something so great from a politician in Washington. Ted Cruz is not your run of the mill Republican and that’s because he isn’t a Republican. Ted Cruz is a Libertarian. From what I have seen, I believe Ted is for maximum freedom and limited government on a scale that this country has not seen since its foundation in 1776.

The fact that Ted Cruz is distancing himself from the losers in his own party and the losers across the aisle also states that he is a unique choice to be the GOP’s Presidential Nominee for 2016. If the GOP wants to reclaim the White House then they need to nominate someone who isn’t a established big government Progressive, they need to nominate someone who is for small government because all Americans can relate to that if Ted were to effectively get the message of Libertarianism across to the majority of Americans.

If Americans are too dumb to realize that big government from both sides of the aisle in Washington is part of what’s destroying this country then we deserve another President and Congress who will continue to violate our rights and drive this country in to even deeper debt.

Now Ted Cruz isn’t the only Congressman I like, I also really enjoy Senator Rand Paul. Those two men are perfect examples of exactly what he need in our nations Capital.

Devolping: IRS Official Lois Lerner Placed On Administrative Leave

Lois Lerner

Well this is really fishy. First, Lois Lerner pleads the fifth and now she is place on Administrative leave? If that doesn’t mean she’s guilty and hiding some serious information regarding the IRS scandal then I don’t know what other evidence America needs to punish her.

Enjoy your paid vacation, Lois.